“Who It’s For”

“Who It’s For”

Who is it for? And, what is it for?

These are the first two questions that Seth Godin suggests you use when starting a new project…any new project.  And let me tell you, it totally works.  By asking these two questions and really spending time in thoughtful contemplation, it can really clarify your work.  The mission becomes clearer.  It’s easier for the people you seek to serve to know that the work is for them.  

So, while we’re getting started here, I thought it might be fun to do this exercise publicly, in terms of this blog.  Here goes:

Who’s it for?

Well, let’s be transparent here (because what I want to do with this blog is offer tons of transparency) this is a little bit for me.  Okay, maybe a lotta bit.  See, I really love to write…and, I’ve been wanting an outlet for that writing….and Seth Godin made me do it, remember?  But, it feels a little selfish to say that this is just for me.  (Even though I may be the only one reading this…well, plus my mom…and my husband, because I will make him.)

But quite frankly it’s not just for me.  It is going to be published on an actual blog website that people can actually find on the internet.  So, as much as I sort of wish this was a private diary, it is indeed a public work.  And as with any public work (and as I do with all my work), I seek to serve.  And who do I seek to serve with this work?

Anyone who…

  • wants to do and see things differently
  • craves a balanced life…balanced between work, play and rest
  • desires more quality time with their families – where laughter resides and memories are made
  • is looking for adventure and loves when every day feels a little different from the one before
  • loves to learn
  • wants to stay creative and curious (and/or pass that along to their children)
  • aspires to live life on purpose

Okay, I’m feeling selfish again – because as I read this back, this is pretty much me.  But, I know I can’t be alone.  So, if there’s anyone out there reading this who is looking for any or all of these things, you’ve come to the right place.

Not because I am an expert on anything on this list, but because I am on a personal quest to practice these ideals in my own life and with my own family.

That’s what I’m going to write about here – the journey, the practice, the effort, the quest.  

Because if I’ve learned one thing along the way, it’s that there is no point when you truly feel like you have mastered these types of things. It’s a constant practice.  Falling down, getting back up again, and trying over and over to figure it out.

Come with me on the ride.  We’ll do this together.

Here’s what I promise to do:

Practice vulnerability.  I will share my failures as often as my successes.  Because let’s be honest, we have plenty of social media to show us people’s most perfect sides.  Here I will be imperfect, messy and honest about all of it.

Share what I’ve learned. Because what’s the best part of learning?  Sharing what you’ve learned, as much as possible.  I will do that here.

Keep growing.  That’s what this is all about.

Here’s what I won’t be doing:

Sharing my kids’ struggles.  We all have them…but I’ll only be sharing what I’m wrestling with as their mom.  And whatever my husband says I can share, I will…but this will not be a place we talk about personal stuff my family doesn’t want revealed.  (I know this may not matter to anyone but me, but seeing it in writing feels good as I am normally a very private person, and this whole blog thing is a little scary!)

Judging others.  I don’t like it.  I try hard not to do it.  So, please know that my opinions are based on my own way forward…without comparing my life to others.

Holding back.  This is part of why I started doing this.  I’ve spent most of my life “playing my cards close to my vest.”  I don’t tend to share a lot about my personal journey.  But, the whole point of this is exercising my voice and sharing my ideas, with the hope that they might resonate with someone else.

If all this sounds good to you, I hope I’ll see you next time. Until then,

Journey On.

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