On Learning

On Learning

Ok, first I feel the need to address the elephant in the room.  (Well, it may be an elephant only to me, but still I feel the need to address it.)  It’s been a minute since I’ve written a post.  Ok, more than a minute…it’s been six weeks.  Six weeks. Yikes!

But, as much as I’m kicking myself for getting off-track, I’m also realizing how much I’ve missed this.  So, we’re back.  And just like I tell kids when they fall off their bikes, I’m going to dust myself off, get back on and start pedaling.  Here we go.

The other thing that’s been interesting in the last six weeks is that I’ve been diving into learning.  A lot of learning.  And, I think part of why I’ve been reluctant to write is that I’m learning so much that I haven’t quite been able to start processing it all yet and putting it into words.

In fact, I’m still not sure I can.

But, I’m going to try to start today.

When we started this blog and family project we felt like we were on to something.  The pandemic pause had brought unexpected changes into our lives and we were beginning to see that there were different ways of doing things.  There were many things (or ways of doing things) we had never done before because we didn’t think we could, or because we simply didn’t know that there was another way.  

And we just started.  Literally, just jumped in –  (I mean, we all kinda had to) – not really knowing what we were doing.  My post “Unexpected” speaks specifically to the home schooling aspect of our lives.  But, there were so many more things we started doing differently – learning to work and lead teams remotely, changing our home management and family routines.  Even getting outside more. That may sound weird, but we’ve always tended to be more indoorsy people. Yet, because of the pandemic, I think I’ve done more hiking in the last year than in my first 40 years on the planet.

Actual proof of actual hiking! And we love it! (It was a beautiful hike at Raven Run Nature Sanctuary.)

So, we dove in and just started, figuring things out as we got to them.  And, being the “Learner” that I am (My #1 Clifton Strengths theme is “Learner”), I started seeking resources.  Books, podcasts, online conferences, documentaries.  I love that stuff!  And, I’ve been devouring them.  My #3 Clifton Strength is “Input” – so I’m a double whammy for loving to find and learn as much as I can.  (By the way, if you’ve never done the Clifton Strengths assessment…it’s a really good one.)

And here’s the coolest part about learning – it never ends and there is so much to learn.  After an online homeschool conference I realized that there are so many other options out there for how to homeschool that I never knew existed.  I’ve been learning about new ideas on productivity in the remote work environment that are astounding.  There’s so much connection between the two as well – how are we educating our children so that they will be able to productively contribute to their communities using their special and unique gifts.  And, I’ve been learning about other aspects of a well-rounded, holistic life experience that quite honestly, I’ve never had time to consider before (ahem…hiking outside, in actual sunshine.  For those who’ve known me a long time…yes, it’s actually happening).

And that confluence gets me really jazzed.

A super-excited “Learner” receiving a book she’s been wanting from a dear friend in the mail!

I’m starting to see the fusion.  It’s all related…the way we’re schooling our children; my work as an arts educator and career coach with my students; the stories we tell through our musical theatre organization; the balance of self-care and family time that I’ve never made enough time for before; the importance of serving your community and caring for those around you; figuring out how you can best give more than you take.

It all goes together.

That harmonious blend….that’s what we’re seeking.  In my post, “What It’s For” I wrote, “I’m looking a life on purpose.  One with balance and quality time…and white space; one with adventure, creativity, curiosity and a love of learning; one where I pass these traits on to my children.  One where we see and do things differently.”  

And lately, I’ve been learning that there are so many people out there seeking that very same thing; that there are so many “different” ways to do things…and that it’s actually not so “different;” that thinking outside the box is not just a creative exercise – it can be a lifestyle; that your worth is not your work – but your work should be worthwhile to others; that achievement and education aren’t always the same things as learning and cultivating curiosity; and mostly learning that I have so much to learn.

I’m so excited for all the adventures that lie ahead, and to see how I can keep learning and keep opening my eyes to new ways of seeing things and doing things.  And I’m excited to learn from all of you!  Come join us over at our Instagram account for “The Joy is Your Journey.”  I’ll share posts there and we can start the conversation!  I’d love to hear about your favorite resources, too.  (You know me…Learner/Input…bring on the books and podcasts!) Oh and by the way, in the top photo are two of my favorite books by two of my favorite authors – Stretch by Scott Sonenshein and The Practice by Seth Godin.)

There’s a great big world out there and so many ways to be a part of it all.  Glad to be on the journey with you.

Journey On.

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