“What It’s For”

“What It’s For”

What it’s for. (Once again, a “hat tip” – also his term – to Seth Godin.)

I got so caught up in “Who It’s For” last time, that I didn’t really get to this part.

So, here we go. What’s it for?

As I mentioned in the last post, the life I’m looking for is a life on purpose.  One with balance and quality time…and white space; one with adventure, creativity, curiosity and a love of learning; one where I pass these traits on to my children.  One where we see and do things differently.

Here, we will explore all these things.  I can’t promise to have all the answers…or any of them.  But, I am happy to be a guide and I promise to practice living this lifestyle in many kinds of ways and share all we learn along the way. 

(Notice the word practice...I had to re-write this sentence because I am still working on focusing on the journey and not the destination.  It originally read, “I promise to work toward this lifestyle.” As if eventually I would get “there” and not have to work at it anymore.  That is not the case. And, I am still getting used to adjusting my thinking in that way.)

Here’s what we’ll do:

I will share activities we do as a family and the things I do on my own to refill my cup so that I have enough to pour out for everyone else.  

I will share favorite meals and foods we love on our journey to health and wellness.

I coach creativity with my acting students. I’ll share that here too…we all need a creative practice…all of us.

We homeschool our children. We’ll share what’s working and what’s not and what we’re learning along the way.

We have a huge desire to travel, once the Covid-19 pandemic comes to a close.  We cannot wait to share those adventures.

I’ll share what I’m reading and what I’m learning from it.

I’ll share how we’re learning and keeping curiosity alive in our family.

My hope is that some of the things we’re learning might be helpful for you.  And I’d love to learn from you too…one day, we’ll have a community of readers…I just know it.  And we’ll all share together.

I’m excited and I hope you are too.

Journey On.

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